Border extends across two separate rows

Let me illustrate my issue with a specific example where I am utilizing a single column with a rowspan:

<table border="1" style="width:300px">
  <td rowspan="2">Family</td>
  <td id="jill">Jill</td>
  <td id="eve">Eve</td>

Upon adding the following CSS:

border-left: 1px solid red;

To #jill, both rows receive a red border:

However, when I apply this CSS to #eve, it behaves as expected with only one border receiving the color change:

If anyone can explain why this is happening and provide a solution, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

Answer №1

The solution lies in the border-collapse property of the table. Find more information on it at this link:

The issue is that it's currently set to collapse, which is merging the borders for #jill and the Family td.

To fix this, change the border-collapse CSS of the table to separate. Keep in mind that this may result in thicker borders overall.

<table border="1" style="width: 300px; border-collapse: separate;">

Check out this jsfiddle for reference.

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