The Vuetify rating system seems to be having trouble displaying

I've integrated the Vuetify rating component into my app (, but I'm facing an issue. Despite having Vuetify 1.5.5 installed and working with other components like buttons, the stars in the rating component are not being displayed, only the text appears.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to resolve this? I couldn't find any helpful information online. Alternatively, if someone could recommend a different Vue rating component that is stable, that would be great too.

This is the section of code where I am using the rating:

    <span class="headerText">Dataset Product</span>
    <span class="headerDesc">Short description</span>
    <span class="headerDesc">@georgeBush.</span>
    <v-rating v-model="rating"></v-rating>

Here is my main.js file which includes the import for Vuetify CSS:

import Vuetify from 'vuetify'
import 'vuetify/dist/vuetify.min.css'

I have also attached a screenshot showing how the rating component was rendered without the stars:

See the screenshot here

Answer №1

Could it be that you forgot to include the Material Icons library in your project? Here's the link to download it:

I encountered the same issue when I omitted it from a Codepen experiment.

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