Adjusting the height of a CSS div to be 0 while also modifying the

I have encountered a unique dilemma

<div class="parent">
   <p>stuff stuff stuff</p>

Using CSS, I set the width and height of parent = 0; because I intend to modify it when a button is clicked. However, for this purpose, I must also conceal the child element with a height of 0. This is essential in creating a menu that appears closed initially.

element 1
element 2
element 3

Upon opening an element

element 1
stuf stuf
stuf stuf
stuf stuf

element 2
element 3

To achieve this effect, the height of the children should be zero and animated. While attempting to use display none, the transition appeared unattractive when revealed. Is there a more elegant approach to achieving this animation?

Answer №1

Thanks to using jquery toggleClass, I was able to achieve the desired effect.

$(document).ready(function() {
  $(".parent").click(function() {
    $( ".parent" ).toggleClass( "height", 1000 );
.height {
  height: auto !important;

.parent {
  height: 10px;
  overflow: hidden;
  border: 2px solid;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="parent">
  <p>stuff stuff stuff</p>

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