Adjusting the display property using the CSS plus symbol operator

I am currently in the process of designing a dropdown menu using CSS. The focus is on utilizing the following code snippet:

#submenu_div {
  display: none;

#li_id:hover + #submenu_div {
  display: block;


Here is the corrected HTML structure for the entire setup.

<ul id="main_nav">
  <a href=""><li id="li_id">Home</li></a>
  <ul id="sub_who">                                                                                                                                     

The #submenu_div is positioned outside the parent div containing the ul element where the referenced li exists. From my understanding, this should function properly. However, I seem to be missing something here. Any suggestions or thoughts?

Answer №1

The element with the id #submenu_div is located outside of the parent div that contains the unordered list item referenced in the previous code snippet.

When using the + combinator, it specifically looks for a sibling element that shares the same parent as the element matched on the left-hand side of the combinator. It cannot match anything else besides this specific relationship. In order to achieve the desired result, you may need to adjust your HTML so that the #submenu_div becomes a true sibling of #li_id, or modify your CSS to ensure that the elements targeted by the combinator are genuine siblings with each other.

Without having a visual representation of your HTML structure, it's challenging to provide more detailed recommendations tailored to your specific scenario.

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