What is the best way to embed a section of another website within an iframe and seamlessly guide a user to complete a purchase using a shopping cart?

Seeking advice on how to improve the functionality of my website. Currently, the domain I'm focusing on serves as a landing page, redirecting users to another site for purchases.

I've built a separate website for this domain in order to establish brand recognition, but the issue is that the cart is hosted under a different domain. My boss prefers the current hosting provider due to cost constraints.

I am wondering if using iframes on the main website could display parts of the other site, enabling users to make purchases seamlessly without feeling like they're being redirected elsewhere.

The external site will need some styling modifications, which I can handle. I just want to know if this approach is viable or not.

The current domain is , while the actual purchase location is

Title and sidebar links are unnecessary on the new website I'm designing.

Any suggestions or guidance you could provide would be highly appreciated.

So far, my solution involves pulling code from the original website and integrating it into a new html document on the main domain. However, I am unsure about how this will work with the cart section, or even if it's technically feasible.

Here's an example of the code I've been attempting:

 <div style="border: none; overflow: hidden; margin: 15px auto; max-width: auto;">
    <iframe scrolling="no" src="betterbullets1.html" style="border: 0px none; margin-left: 0px; height: 700px; margin-top: 0px; width: 975px;">

Answer №1

Interframe communication challenges arise when dealing with disparate domains. While it's simple to embed iframes, interactions between them are limited if the domains don't match, such as executing JavaScript or modifying the Document Object Model (DOM).

HTML5 introduces a sandbox attribute that permits specific cross-domain iframe functionalities to be re-enabled. Caution is advised, as this can pose security risks.

I trust this information was beneficial :)

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