Unable to implement CSS styling on Bootstrap collapsible menu

When you visit this website and resize the browser window to reveal the toggle buttons, clicking on either one will only expand the dropdowns to a small portion of the screen width. I would like both dropdowns to stretch out and fill 100% of the available space.

I've experimented with CSS styles by directly entering them into the Firebug console. For example, typing the following code increases the font size and strangely affects the width of the expanded dropdown menu (larger text occupies more space)...


However, I haven't been successful in adjusting the width of the dropdown menus themselves when they are not collapsed.

Am I overlooking something obvious?

Answer №1

Do you mean that you would like the lists to take up the full width of the div container? Is this for a website project you're currently working on? If it is, do you really need to use floats? I'm curious because typically floats are not necessary if you want the lists to occupy the entire space. By removing the floats, the list - as a block level element - will naturally expand to fill 100% of the parent div.

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