Guide to customizing the appearance of a component's host element on-the-fly

For instance:

In my project, I have an icon component called app-icon which dynamically takes a path and inserts it into an SVG viewbox. I extract the height and width of the path, then set the SVG to match those dimensions. This ensures that the icon aligns properly wherever it is used. However, I've encountered an issue where the wrapper of the app-icon seems to add 3-4px to the height/width of each icon for some unknown reason. There doesn't appear to be any padding or margin causing this discrepancy (you can inspect the app-icon element and compare it to its children).

I thought about setting the :host equal to the width and height of the path, but I haven't found a way to do this dynamically yet. So far, I have only been able to apply styles to the host from my SCSS file, but unfortunately, I'm unable to update these styles in real-time.

Answer №1

You have the option to utilize @HostBinding

@HostBinding('') obtain myClass() {
  // Return true to add 'my-class' to the host element's classes
  return true;

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