Menu Selector on the Right Side

I am currently working on a drop down menu and trying to align it to the right using HTML and CSS. Below is an example that I have been referencing:

Attached here is a screenshot of how the menu appears without the text from CodePen:

If you require any additional information or assistance, feel free to reach out to me for clarification.

Thank you!

Answer №1

After reviewing your code, it appeared to be quite straightforward. I made some modifications based on your description, though I'm not certain if it aligns with the correct answer. If you have specific requirements for your site, please provide more details.

Check out the updated code here

I adjusted the CSS style of your aside element from 'float:left' to 'float:right'.

    float: right;
    width: 164px;
    margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px;
    padding: 0px;
    border-right: thin dashed #2446ff;
    /*background-color: #ff0000;*/


I reorganized your HTML structure and placed the 'Schedule' class in a different location.

View the updated code snippet

The CSS for the 'Schedule' now targets the list items within the unordered list.

.Schedule ul li {

.Schedule:hover > ul {

.Schedule:hover > ul li {

I removed unnecessary CSS styles to offer you a cleaner code snippet for integration.

The 'Schedule' class instructs the browser to hide all nested lists when applied to a list item. Upon hovering over the 'Schedule' element, the nested lists are displayed again with absolute positioning.

I also ensured that on hover, the list items maintain relative positioning to prevent them from stacking on top of each other.

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