adjusting the dimensions of images to ensure uniformity in size

After many attempts, I am still struggling to resize my image. Can anyone offer assistance?

I want all images to have the same dimensions. Here is the HTML code:

<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>

<body class="body">

  <div class="wiesiek">
    <h1> Wiesiek Bland - My portfolio </h1>
    <h2> Warsaw, Poland </h2>

    <div class="facebook, inline">
      <a href=""><img class="small-picture" src=></a>
    <div class"github, inline">
      <a href=""><img class="small-picture" src=></a>

Additionally, here is the CSS code provided:

.facebook {
  padding-left: 800px;

.github {
  width: 80px;

.inline {
  float: left;

Answer №1


<div class="johnsmith">
<h1> John Smith - Web Developer </h1>
<h2> New York, USA</h2>

<div class="linkedin inline">
  <a href=""><img class="small-picture" src=""></a>

 <div clas="twitter inline">
 <a href=""><img class="small-picture" src=""></a>



.linkedin {
 padding-left: 800px;

.twitter {
width: 80px;

.inline {
float: left;

.small-picture {
  width: 80px;

Answer №2

To adjust the size of an image using HTML, you can use the following code:

Apply the desired width and height to the HTML tag:

<img src="" height="500px" width="500px">

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