Additional white space beyond the visible region

There's a peculiar bug I'm encountering which results in extra spacing on the body or html element. This additional space isn't visible within the normal browsing area of most browsers, only becoming apparent when scrolling to the right side of the screen with the mouse.

To get a clearer understanding of what I'm talking about, please have a look at the staging site I've prepared:

My suspicion is that this issue stems from some CSS error I may have made, but so far I haven't been able to identify its source.

Answer №1

Your current styles include 40px of left and right padding on .footer-container footer, causing it to extend beyond the 100% limit.

To address this issue, you can try using box-sizing: border-box; (although vendor prefixing is required).

Alternatively, you could eliminate the padding and explore alternative methods for creating space without exceeding the container width.

Answer №2

Looks like you have 2 suspects.

  1. The <footer id="colophon"> seems to be causing trouble with its width: 100% and left padding of 61px. Try removing the left padding and placing it in the parent element

    <div class="footer-container">

  2. You might want to consider setting <article id="slider"> to have overflow:hidden.

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