Efficiently utilizing CSS classes

My dilemma involves styling a textfield in two different locations on my website, each with its own parent element. The second location requires an additional margin-top that the first does not. What is a clever way to adjust the original margin-top without using pseudo-classes?

View example on js fiddle


<div class="some_parent">
  <div class="my_styled_field"></div>

<div class="some_other_parent">
  <div class="my_styled_field"></div>


    margin-top: 2rem;


Answer â„–1

.another_parent .my_special_field{
padding-left: 2em; /*customize as needed*/

Here is a method to add unique styles to the identical class with various parent elements.

Answer â„–2

In my opinion, the most effective approach for optimal performance would be to assign an additional class to the second styled_field.

By adding another class to the second styled_field, you can achieve your desired styling with just one reflow:


Using a descendant selector, as some may suggest, can potentially lead to poorer performance since it requires the browser to search through elements recursively:

.parent .styled_field

If you prefer not to introduce another class, a more efficient alternative to the descendant selector is the child selector:

.parent > .styled_field

When considering CSS performance, keep in mind that while we interpret styles from left to right, browsers actually read them from right to left.

For example, when looking for image-tags within containers, browsers first identify all image-tags and then verify if they belong to a container.

Answer â„–3

Utilizing the CSS class structure:

.parent_style .custom_field {
   padding-left: 1em; 

Answer â„–4

Here is a solution for you:

Check out this Fiddle Example

.some_parent .my_styled_field{
    width: 3rem;
    height: 3rem;
    margin-top: 2rem;
    background-color: red;
.some_other_parent .my_styled_field{
    width: 4rem;
    height: 4rem;
    margin-top: 4rem;
    background-color: green;

This technique allows you to apply styles to .my_styled_field based on its parent element.

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