Is concealing content using Javascript or jQuery worth exploring?

While I have been hiding content using display:none; in css, there are concerns that Google may not like this approach. However, due to the needs of jQuery animations, it has been necessary for me. Recently, I have come across a new method for hiding content with Javascript/jQuery.


I am now wondering if this method is more favourable than using display:none;. Will Google view this as being more friendly? Check out this fiddle to see it in action.

Answer №1

If you want your website to be easily crawled by Google, it's important to follow their guidelines for site safety.

For more information on these guidelines, visit:

It's worth noting that Google's bot can now understand and run basic JavaScript on web pages to accurately reflect the user experience:

You can learn more about this here:

Here's some advice on hidden text or links from Google:

Attempting to hide text or links in your content in order to manipulate Google’s search rankings is considered deceptive and goes against Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. Text (such as excessive keywords) can be concealed in a variety of ways, including:

  • Placing white text on a white background or behind an image
  • Using CSS to position text off-screen or setting font size to 0
  • Hiding a link by linking only a small character, like a hyphen within a paragraph

Answer №2

One of the key concerns for me is that when you hide content in the css and then use javascript to show it, visitors who have disabled javascript won't be able to see the content. Using $(this).css({display:'none'}); to hide the content ensures that it will be visible by default for those without javascript enabled.

This issue frequently arises when trying to prevent a flash of unstyled content. For more insights and solutions, visit

Answer №3

It is completely acceptable for Google to use CSS display:none. Utilizing JavaScript will not provide any advantages from an SEO perspective.
For more information, check out this example:

The issue arises when hiding content (using either method) solely to deceive Google... such as keyword stuffing or including spammy links. In such cases, you risk getting penalized and removed entirely from Google's index. You would then need to go through a manual process to rectify your site and await verification for re-inclusion. As long as you are not engaging in deceptive practices and are simply hiding/showing user-friendly content, you should be in good shape.

Answer №4

I've learned that content placed within a hidden display: none; block is not picked up by search engine crawlers or screen readers. If you choose to hide it using javascript, such as with the .css() or .hide() methods, it will be hidden after being crawled.

One drawback is that there might be a brief flash of the hidden content before the javascript kicks in. Consider utilizing the .visuallyhidden technique if you want your content to be more accessible to technology devices.

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