Creating a table with a tableHead cell comprised of multiple components in ReactJS/CSS using Material UI

It's possible that the title lacks description. I am attempting to generate a table with a specific layout like this

Essentially, the "Average" cell is combined with two smaller cells for "height" and "width," which can be subdivided further. Unfortunately, utilizing spans in Material UI has not produced the desired outcome.

Answer №1

To share my code with you, I have created a CodeSandBox. If you want to see the code and how it functions, please feel free to check out the CodeSandBox here.

Here is the code snippet for the table header shown in the image:

        <th rowSpan="2" />
        <th colSpan="2"> Average </th>
        <th rowSpan="2"> Red Eye </th>
        <th> Height </th>
        <th> Weight </th>

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