Additional <li> elements are created in Internet Explorer versions 8 and 9

Currently in the process of setting up a new website/landing page. Upon heading to the right column at the bottom (where the pictures are located), you will notice <li> elements containing pictures within containers. The only issue that arises is when viewing the page on IE8 and IE9, additional empty picture containers appear between the 2nd and 3rd pictures, as well as between the 3rd and 4th pictures. It seems like there should be thumbnails present, but the containers remain empty.

It could simply be a case of overlooking some code after spending an extended period of time in front of the screen. However, I'm puzzled by the fact that these empty LI's do not show up in other browsers or in IE7.

Appreciate any assistance provided!

Answer №1

It seems that there is an issue with your markup where some elements are missing closing tags.

In the image provided, highlighted in red, you can observe this error. The browser attempts to compensate by automatically adding these missing tags, resulting in extra and unnecessary elements being created.

Specifically, it appears that you have omitted closing tags for <a> elements starting from your second <li>.

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