What is the best way to create a box-shadow with an inset effect and a touch of

Looking to dive into the world of css3 design and wondering how to achieve a box-shadow inset with a touch of transparency.

Check out the example in this fiddle link: http://jsfiddle.net/TeGkt/4/

Any ideas on how to replicate this effect without relying on an image for the input's background?

Appreciate your help!

Answer №1

Indeed, CSS3 styles can be used to achieve this effect: http://jsfiddle.net/arnorhs/Nz7KG/

Please note that this method may not be compatible with IE versions prior to ie9.

I have chosen not to include any -moz or -webkit- prefixes for cross-browser compatibility.

It's important to mention that I didn't replicate the exact same result as your original question seemed to focus on whether it was achievable at all...

Answer №2

rgb(255,255,255) with 0.75 opacity

in this case, the color format used is rgb(a) where r represents red, g represents green, b represents blue, and a represents alpha for opacity level.

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