Ways to eliminate the default margin surrounding an image within a div

Struggling with CSS while building websites is a common issue for me.

In my current project, I have encountered a challenge where I placed two images inside a div container.

Oddly enough, when I add text to the div, it adjusts its height accordingly. However, when I replace the text with an image, the div mysteriously reverts to a default height.

Although I have made the size of the images responsive in my CSS and added a background color to the div for clarity, the issue persists.

Upon resizing the browser window, the div's height remains constant and the images get pushed down within the container.

  1. How can I resolve this discrepancy? I aim for the div container's height to be as responsive as the images contained within, adjusting fluidly as I resize the browser window.
  2. Lastly, what key concept am I missing here?

Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Here is a snippet of my code:

<!DOCTYPE html>






<div style="background-color:red;">
<img style="height:2vw; width:4vw;" src="image.jpg" alt="en">   
<img style="height:2vw; width:4vw;" src="image.jpg" alt="en">   



Answer №1

To ensure that the parent div maintains a specific size, it is important to set dimensions for the div and allow its children to inherit those properties...

  height: 50vh;
  width: 50vw;
  background: red;

  height: 100%;
  width: 100%;
    <img src="image.jpg" alt="text">

Answer №2

To improve the appearance of your website, consider incorporating display: block; in the <img> tag.

I trust this suggestion proves helpful.

If you are not utilizing any CSS frameworks like Bootstrap, it may be beneficial to include a reset.css file in your project. An example of a reset can be found here:

Answer №3

Take a look at this helpful resource. codepen

    div img{height:auto; max-width:100%;display:block;}
        <img src="image" alt="description">

Answer №4

Consider implementing the CSS property max-width:100% for the image element. By doing so, you can ensure that the image will not exceed the width of its parent container.

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