When the page loads, the HTML side menu will automatically scroll to the active item in a vertical

My website features a vertical side menu with approximately 20 items. The issue I am facing is that when a user clicks on an item, the destination loads but the side menu must be manually scrolled to find the active item if it's located at the bottom of the list. Is there a way to automatically scroll the side menu to the active item when the page loads? Below is a snippet of the code. Any assistance would be appreciated.

<nav class="menu">
   <ul class="sidebar-menu metismenu" id="sidebar-menu">
       <li class="">
          <a href="page1.html">Page 1</a>
       <li class="">
          <a href="page2.html">Page 2</a>
       <li class="">
          <a href="page3.html">Page 3</a>
       <li class="">
          <a href="page4.html">Page 4</a>
       <li class="">
          <a href="page5.html">Page 5</a>
        <li class="">
          <a href="page6.html">Page 6</a>
        <li class="">
          <a href="page7.html">Page 7</a>
       <li class="active">
          <a href="page20.html">Page 20</a>

Answer №1

One method for achieving this is through javascript/JQuery where you can save the index of the selected item in localStorage. Afterwards, retrieve the saved index on window.onload/document.ready and apply scrollIntoView or animate to automatically scroll to the active item.

Answer №2

It is recommended to have two separate divs, one for the menu and one for the display destination page. Assign an id tag to each menu item to set focus. For example:

<li id="8" class="">
    <a href="page8.html">Page 8</a>

To set focus on the 8th item, use document.getElementById("8").focus(). Alternatively, you can make the menu div non-scrollable.

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