Add a hyperlink alongside every row in the table

My table comprises three columns in each row, and I am looking to include a link next to each row.


    <?php while ($row = $foods->fetch()) { ?>
                <?php echo $row['Name']; ?>
                <?php echo $row['foodPrice']; ?>
                <?php echo $row['foodDescription']; ?>
        <a class="editLink">roma</a>
    <?php } ?>

I attempted to place the link a following the last td, but it appears at the top of the table instead. Thank you in advance for your help.

Answer №1

Make sure to include a table cell for the link and ensure that the th tags are nested within a tr tag.


    <?php while ($row = $foods->fetch()) { ?>
                <?php echo $row['Name']; ?>
                <?php echo $row['foodPrice']; ?>
                <?php echo $row['foodDescription']; ?>
            <td class="link"><!-- Don't forget this -->
                <a class="editLink">roma</a>
            </td><!-- also this -->
    <?php } ?>

To customize the style of the link cell, apply a CSS class of link to the td containing the a tag. Then define the styling in CSS as shown below:


    text-align: center;

    width: 200px;
    width: 50px;

View the Working Example:

Answer №2

Having an <a> tag directly inside a <tr> is not considered valid HTML. To correct this, add another column to the table and place the link in its own cell. You may also want to consider adding another <th> in the first row or using the attribute colspan="2" for the Description column.

Furthermore, it is recommended that a table includes a <tbody> element, and I recommend organizing your header cells within a <thead>:


Answer №3

    <td>Custom Text</td>
    <td>Custom Text</td>
    <td>Custom Text</td>
    <td class="myNewLinkClass"><a href=""></a></td>

    .myNewLinkClass {
        width: 150px; /* Adjusting the width for td with new class */ 

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