Placing images inside a div causes them to vanish

I encountered a strange issue where the images I added to a background disappeared.

<div class="Background1" name="Background1" id="Background">
 <img class="Background2" name="Background2" id="Background" src="/asset/Background2.png">

Edit: My goal is to make background2 fit on background1.

Answer №1

It is recommended to utilize the background-image attribute instead of the content attribute. By using the content attribute, it may potentially override the existing content within your div element, resulting in the removal of the image.


Answer №2

There are a couple of issues with your code. Instead of calling the background image using content, you should be using the background property.

Check out more about the CONTENT PROPERTY and the BACKGROUND PROPERTY.

Another mistake is that you're trying to assign a percentage for height in a position:relative element where it's not allowed. You need an absolute definition like px or pt:

    background:url("/assets/backgroundlayer1.jpg") no-repeat;

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