Ways to make the Select component in Material-UI lose its focus state once an item has been selected

Anticipated outcome:

Upon selecting an item, the Menu list will promptly close, and the Select component will no longer display a focus state. The borderBottom will change to 1px solid, and the backgroundColor will turn to white.

Current situation:

Select behavior after selecting an item

As depicted in the above image, the borderBottom appears as 2px solid, and the backgroundColor does not reflect white, indicating that the Select component remains in a focused state.

What steps should be taken to achieve the desired outcome?

Further Explanation:

In actuality, my concern lies with the visual appearance of the Select component's focus state rather than the focus itself. I am aiming for a behavior similar to that seen on fonts.google.com. Following the selection of a style (for example, Bold 700), the Select component maintains its focus state but without displaying any visible indications of being focused, which is precisely what I am seeking.

Answer №1

Here's an illustration demonstrating how you can personalize the focus appearance of Select.

If you're curious about customizing the underline, check out my response to a related question: How do I custom style the underline of Material-UI without using theme?

import React from "react";
export default withStyles(styles)(SimpleSelect);


Answer №2

One neat little trick you can employ is to make Select lose its focus deliberately:

            input={<OutlinedInput notched label="ANY_TITLE" />}
            onClose={() => {
            onOpen={() => {

Answer №3

It's possible that I may have misunderstood the question, but one approach to solving this issue is by utilizing refs, as mentioned in the React documentation:

[...] Managing focus, text selection, or media playback.

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.selector= React.createRef();
    render() {
        return <Selector ref={this.selector}>[...]</Selector>;

You can then access the element itself by using this.selector.current, and you can set (or unset) its focus by calling this.selector.current.focus() or this.selector.current.blur() when the Selector's element is clicked. If you need to focus on another element upon clicking, you would obtain the ref for that specific element and handle it similarly.

I hope this solution aligns with what you were looking for!

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