Why isn't the 100% max-width image liquid layout being applied?

This whole concept of liquid layout is new to me. It's frustrating how everything in my layout adjusts except for the images.

I've been attempting to use max-width: 100% on images, as recommended in various sources.

Yet, no matter how I define max-width and min-height for the img container, the images just won't scale.

If you view it on a wide screen, you'll see that the "kid image" remains the same size.

Any ideas on why this image isn't scaling?

Test case:

Browsers: Firefox 15.0 / Chrome 21.0

IOS: MAC OS X Lion - 10.7.3

Resolution: 1920x1200

What I'm experiencing: The image does not enlarge to fill its container. Its width does not match the article element that holds it.

What I expect: I anticipate the image expanding until it fits its container entirely. Visually, I want the image to be as wide as the paragraph right below it, aligning perfectly with its right side.

Answer №1

It seems there might be some confusion about the purpose of the max-width property.

When you set max-width:100%, it means that the element will not exceed 100% of its container's width. Any content smaller than this limit will remain unaffected. This is working correctly in your current setup. In contrast, using max-width:800px would restrict the element from being wider than 800px; it does not enforce an 800px width like the width property does.

On the other hand, width:100% ensures that the element always spans the entire width of its container. Content smaller than this width will now stretch to fill the space, while larger content will scale down accordingly.

In your scenario, utilizing width:100% and adjusting your images' sizes to fit within the maximum limits (choosing a reasonable width for the container) is recommended. Normally, images appear better when scaled down rather than enlarged, but considerations may vary for mobile optimization.

The common practice of setting max-width:100% as a default style prevents images from overflowing their containers and disrupting the layout, especially since images are typically sized based on their inherent dimensions.

Answer №2

When I resize the viewport, I notice that your images scale accordingly. Have you tried using just width instead of max-width? Both seem to work, though.

Answer №3

From my understanding, if I have an image with a width of 300px (created with that specific width),

Now, this image is placed inside a div that has a width of 40% of its container (in this case, the body).

If I set my img width to 100%, it means that if my div is 500px wide (40% of the body width), then my image will also be the same width as its container (the div in this scenario).

On the other hand, if I set max-width: 100% for the image, it indicates that the maximum width of the image will always be 300px (essentially, whatever its original width was when created).

Using max-width really aids in preserving the pixel clarity of your image.

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