What impact does the order of the element I'm specifying in my .css file have on its appearance after being rendered?

(An update has been added below)

In my project, I am working with a .css file and an index.html document. The goal is to create a panel of buttons on the screen [to prototype the usability of a touchscreen interface], with each button assigned a specific position on the screen (referencing the "margin-top" and "margin-left" tags in the .css file). Later, I will be adding onclick functionality, among other things.

Currently, I am focused on getting the buttons to display correctly on the screen. What's puzzling is that the first element in the .css section (i.e. the .aButton #....) always appears at position (0,0) when viewed in the browser. For example, right now, button1 is displayed at (0,0) while all the other buttons are in their correct positions. If I rearrange the css code and place the button2 section above the button1 section, then button1 displays in the correct place but button2 ends up at (0,0).

I would appreciate any suggestions or ideas!

Here are the relevant parts:

From index.html

<div id="buttonPanel" class="aButton">
            <div id="button1" class="aButton"></div>
            <div id="button2" class="aButton"></div>            
            <div id="button3" class="aButton"></div> 
            <div id="button4" class="aButton"></div>
            <div id="button5" class="aButton"></div>

From styles.css:

.aButton #button1
    margin-top: 262px;
    margin-left: 110px;

.aButton #button2
    margin-top: 24px;
    margin-left: 347px;

.aButton #button3
    margin-top: 32px;
    margin-left: 114px;

.aButton #button4
    margin-top: 524px;
    margin-left: 104px;
.aButton #button5
    margin-top: 392px;
    margin-left: 106px;

An Update: I have updated Fr0zenFyr's jsfiddle with the complete html and css files and encountered the same issue! http://jsfiddle.net/b4NYd/ I realize now that omitting them both was a mistake, and I suspect it may have something to do with how the .aButton #buttonx {} definitions interact strangely with the #buttonx {} definitions preceding them. I can temporarily resolve the problem by combining the two, but I would like to understand why this issue arises, especially since I plan to use different classes for prototyping various layouts later on.

Another Update: Problem solved! It turns out, it was due to my comments. Lesson learned!

Answer №1

One issue lies in your comments. The correct way to write comments in CSS is by using the /* notation.

Here's the corrected format:

 /* style guide 2 */
 /* make necessary adjustments based on the data in my notebook.*/

Answer №2

Changing the order of your CSS styles shouldn't impact how your HTML elements are displayed. You have the flexibility to rearrange the class order for your buttons without affecting anything.

Have you made any other modifications to your CSS? Have you designated the elements as inline-block, or as btevfik suggested, are you applying any positioning to them? Are you potentially overriding the button styles later in your stylesheet?

It's likely that there is another underlying issue causing the buttons to shift on the screen.

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