When the text exceeds its container, the CSS property overflow will display only the


<div class="example">
    <p>Some Additional Text Here<P>

This particular code snippet showcases the initial portion of the text, allowing for scrolling down to reveal items 5 and 6:


I desire it to exhibit the latter part of the content instead, enabling users to scroll upward to view 1 and 2:


Is there a way I can manage it to show the end of the text?

Answer №1

It seems that achieving this solely with CSS is not possible, as you require scrolling to the bottom of the div.

To accomplish this, you can incorporate JavaScript into your code to automatically scroll to the bottom of the div:

document.getElementById('scroll').scrollTop = 9999999;

I have prepared a demo on JSFiddle to visually demonstrate the solution. The example includes added height and width properties for illustration purposes only.

Click on "Run snippet" to see if this meets your requirements.

document.getElementById('scroll').scrollTop = 9999999;
     overflow-y: auto;
    overflow-x: hidden;
    width: 10px;
    height: 30px;
    padding: 50px;
<div id="scroll" class="demo">

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