Is it possible to display a div when hovering over it and have it remain visible until

How can I make the div ".socialIconsShow" fade in when hovering over ".socialIcons", and then fade out when hovering over ".socialIconsShow"? Is there a way to keep the icons visible even after leaving ".socialIcons"?

<div class="socialNetworks">
            <li><a href="#">Configure</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Contact</a></li>
            <li class="socialIcons"><a href="#">Follow</a></li>
         <div class="socialIconsShow">
          <div class="facebook"></div>
          <div class="twitter"></div>
          <div class="linkedin"></div>

For a live demonstration, you can check out this link:

Answer №1

It seems like I encountered a similar situation that I addressed yesterday:

jQuery: Triggering mouseover on a div opens submenu but needs to remain open upon mouseout

Answer №2

To find a solution, simply adjust your markup slightly.

<div class="socialNetworks">
        <li><a href="#">Configure</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Contact</a></li>
        <li class="socialIcons">
            <a href="#">Follow</a>
            <!-- Insert these here -->
            <div class="socialIconsShow">
                <div class="facebook"></div>
                <div class="twitter"></div>
                <div class="linkedin"></div>

Answer №3

If you want to achieve this effect, you can reorganize your HTML structure and leverage the power of the :hover selector as demonstrated in this example.

Keep in mind that with this approach, the element will not fade in or out; it will simply be shown or hidden.

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