Saving the output of an AngularJS expression in an input field

Looking at the calculations below, I am currently evaluating an expression, {{ annualIncome * 4.5 }}, in one input and then re-evaluating the same expression in another input. Instead of saving the result and transferring it to the other input, I am repeating the calculation as I am unsure how to proceed.

For Example:

%label Equity Loan ({{ }}%):
%input#equity_loan{ "disabled" => "disabled", "value" => "{{ === 55 ? ((annualIncome * 4.5) / 11) * 9 : ((annualIncome * 4.5) / 15) * 4 }}" }

%label Mortgage ({{ }}%):
%input#mortgage{ "disabled" => "disabled", "value" => "{{  annualIncome * 4.5 }}" }

I attempted to use ng-model but encountered difficulties making it work.

I also tried converting the values to currency by adding "| currency" at the end of my expression, which did not yield the desired outcome. I suspect this may be due to the need to convert each result individually

Answer №1

While you cannot directly use variables in angular expressions, you can manipulate them in your controller once a specific variable, like annual income, is updated. This variable is typically linked to your view using the "ng-model" => "annualIncome" statement.

To recalculate values after a change, you can create a watch in your scope that triggers a function whenever the value is modified. If you prefer to add a delay before recalculating, you can utilize the debounce options available in ng-model-options. For example:

%input{"ng-model-options" => "{debounce: { 'default': 500, 'blur': 0 }}"}

This approach allows for better structuring by manipulating variables within your code.

$scope.$watch('annualIncome', function(value, oldValue) {
  var annualIncome = value; // equivalent to $scope.annualIncome
  var parts = === 55 ? 11 : 15;
  var factor = === 55 ? 9 : 4;
  var annualValue = annualIncome * 4.5;
  $scope.result = {
    propertyValue: annualValue + (annualValue / parts) + ((annualValue / parts) * factor),
    deposit: annualValue / parts
    // and more..

With the result variable stored on the scope, you can bind it to your view using property binding.

%input#property_value{ "disabled" => "disabled", "value" => "{{ result.propertyValue }}" }

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