When the page loads, the ASP menu should display the sub-menu items in a unique style

    <asp:SiteMapDataSource runat="server" ID="RelativeSiteMapDataSource" StartFromCurrentNode="False"
    ShowStartingNode="False" SiteMapProvider="CatalogSiteMap" />

<asp:Menu runat="server" ID="Navigator" MaximumDynamicDisplayLevels="0" StaticDisplayLevels="2" 
    Orientation="Vertical" DataSourceID="RelativeSiteMapDataSource"   />

In several of my ASPX pages, the code above is present.

I am looking to display all sub-menu items when the page loads with an indentation that reflects the menu hierarchy. Currently, the code only opens a sub-menu when its parent menu item is clicked (for example, clicking on Products shows its sub-menu).

Note: I can't attach an image as I'm new here, but I've described how I want the menu to look below.


  • Instock
  • Out-of-Stock


  • Purchase Orders
  • Sales Orders
    • Back Orders
    • Invoiced Orders


  • Purchase
  • Invoice

Update 1: The current code does not show all menu items and sub-menu items when the page loads. I need to modify the asp:menu to include all menu items before applying CSS for the desired layout.

Update 2: This is the structure of the menu as seen in the page source:

  • Products
  • Orders
  • Documents
  • Answer №1

    By making a few adjustments to the asp:menu source code within an aspx page, such as setting RenderingMode ="List" and StaticDisplayLevels="3", you can easily generate the desired menu display upon page load. This allows for simple customization with CSS to style the menu as needed.

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