When I test my jQuery scripts in jsfiddle, they run smoothly. However, they do not seem to work properly when I

My code is almost perfect, but the jQuery function is giving me trouble. It works fine in jsfiddle, but for some reason, it's not functioning in my HTML file. I don't believe extra characters are being added when copying from the HTML file. I haven't made any changes to the HTML file; just copied and pasted the code into jsfiddle where it started working. The big gap with black squares denotes the location of an image sourced from a local file. The jQuery function is positioned just above the body element. As a newcomer to coding, I realize the mistake is likely trivial for someone with years of experience.

Link to the jsfiddle

            /* Code removed for brevity */
            <script type="text/javascript">   
                      $(this).css("background-color", "#4c6ccc");
                      $(this).css("background-color", "#ffffff");
             /* Code removed for brevity */
          /* Code removed for brevity */

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