When attempting to measure the width and height of images, Chrome and Firefox consistently produce a result of 0, while Safari is able to accurately

Struggling to assign a landscape or portrait class to images in a Wordpress gallery by measuring dimensions on load. Successfully tested in Safari, but encountering issues with Firefox and Chrome. Feeling stumped, any assistance would be appreciated!

jQuery(window).on('load', function () {

    jQuery(".blocks-gallery-grid img").each(function() {

        var aspectRatio = jQuery(this).css('width', 'auto').width()/jQuery(this).css('height', 'auto').height();
        jQuery(this).data("aspect-ratio", aspectRatio);

        if(aspectRatio > 1) {
            jQuery(this).parent().parent().parent('li').addClass( "landscape" );

        } else if (aspectRatio < 1) {
            jQuery(this).parent().parent().parent('li').addClass( "portrait" );
        } else {
            jQuery(this).parent().parent().parent('li').addClass( "landscape" );           

Answer №1

$(document).on('ready', function() { 
    $(".blocks-gallery-grid img").each(function() {
        let _img = $(this),
            aspectRatio = _img.width()/_img.height(),
            parentLi = _img.closest('li');
        if(aspectRatio > 1) {
            parentLi.addClass( "landscape" );
        } else if (aspectRatio < 1) {
            parentLi.addClass( "portrait" );
        } else {
            parentLi.addClass( "square" );           
  max-width: 100%;
   padding: 15px; 
   box-sizing: border-box; 
   border: 3px solid;
   border-color: red;
   border-color: green;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<ul class="blocks-gallery-grid">
    <img src="https://dummyimage.com/600x400/000/fff">
    <img src="https://dummyimage.com/400x600/000/fff">

Would you consider implementing a similar approach:

$(document).on('ready', function () {

    $(".blocks-gallery-grid img").each(function() {
        let _img = $(this);

        let aspectRatio = _img.width()/_img.height();

        _img.data("aspect-ratio", aspectRatio);

        if(aspectRatio > 1) {
            _img.parent().parent().parent('li').addClass( "landscape" );

        } else if (aspectRatio < 1) {
            _img.parent().parent().parent('li').addClass( "portrait" );
        } else {
            _img.parent().parent().parent('li').addClass( "square" );           

Additionally, assuming li is the direct parent element, you might be able to simplify your selectors using .closest().

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