Turn off HTML5 Audio

There are 4 <audio> elements on a webpage. The client has asked for them to be available sequentially.

Meaning, the first audio should play, then the rest should remain disabled until the first one finishes, and so on.

In addition, they want the audio players to be visible on screen at all times, even when not actively playing (instead of adding them dynamically).

So, my question is: How can I disable an audio tag without using the disabled attribute (<audio disabled>)?

Thank you in advance.

Update: I would appreciate any CSS, JS, or JQuery solutions that could help achieve this. Essentially, I am looking to simulate a disabled button effect but for HTML audio tags.

Answer №1

Another way to deactivate an audio element is by including

in it…

Answer №2

If the HTML structure is as follows:

<audio src='...' controls id='audio1'></audio>
<audio src='...' controls id='audio2'></audio>
<audio src='...' controls id='audio3'></audio>
<audio src='...' controls id='audio4'></audio>

Here's a potential jQuery solution:

var audioTracks = ['audio1', 'audio2', 'audio3', 'audio4'];
var currentTrackIndex = 0;

$('audio').each(function() {

    this.addEventListener('play', function(){
        if(this.id != audioTracks[currentTrackIndex]){
            this.currentTime = 0;

    this.addEventListener('ended', function(){
        currentTrackIndex = (currentTrackIndex + 1) % audioTracks.length;

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