Is the presence of hidden list items leading to excessive white space?

I have a menu that appears when hovering over a list item. Here is an example:

  <ul class="topmenu">
    <li class="submenu">
      <a class="otherIT" href="#" title="Common IT Tasks"><img src="./images/ittasks.png" alt="Common IT Tasks" /></a>
      <a class="otherIT" href="#" title="Common IT Tasks">Other - Common IT Tasks</a>
      <p>Most common IT tasks.</p>
        <ul class="subsubmenu">
            <a href="http://myURL.aspx/logticket.aspx" target="_blank" title="Log a ticket.">Log a ticket</a>
            <a href="./batches/drives.bat" title="Run drives.bat file.">Map drives</a>
            <a href="./batches/unlock.bat" title="Unlock a user's account.">Unlock a user</a>

Directly below this li item, I have the following:

<li class="break">
  <a href="#" title="Back to top" class="backtotop" style="font-size:x-small;">Back to top</a> 

Without hovering over the li item, it looks like this:

When I hover over the li item, it changes to look like this:

The menu functions correctly, but my issue lies with the large space between the words "Back to top" and the list item. I suspect this gap is caused by invisible li items in the list. For those curious, the CSS code looks something like this:

ul.topmenu, ul.topmenu ul {
  display: block;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

ul.topmenu li {
  display: inline;
  list-style: none;
  margin: 0;
  padding-right: 1.5em;

ul.topmenu li ul {
  visibility: hidden; }

ul.topmenu li.submenu:hover ul {
  visibility: visible;

Simply put, classic visibility is set to hidden unless hovered over, but the whitespace between "Back to top" and the list item is too great.

Answer №1

opacity: 0 makes the element transparent, while still maintaining its position in the page flow.

visibility: collapse will hide the element completely and also remove it from the page flow, ensuring it doesn't impact other elements on the page.

Answer №2

When using visibility: hidden, the element will become invisible but still remain in its original position on the page. On the other hand, when using display: none, the element will be hidden and removed from the page flow, meaning it won't take up any space or impact surrounding elements.

ul.topmenu li ul
    display: none;

ul.topmenu li.submenu:hover ul
    display: block;

Answer №3

visibility:hidden conceals the element from view while still maintaining its space on the page.

Consider using display:none

Answer №4

If you want your tag to be completely hidden, it's best to use the CSS rule display: none instead of visibility: hidden. By doing this, no space will be allocated for the element (source). The W3 docs explain that setting display to 'none' means no box is created at all.

Please note that a display of 'none' does not create an invisible box; it creates no box at all. CSS includes mechanisms that enable an element to generate boxes in the formatting structure that affect formatting but are not visible themselves.

Don't forget to check your HTML with the W3 validator as well!

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