Exploring the functionality of the PageIndicator for Wearable Technology

Exploring the Page Indicator within a Tizen Wearable Application for Gear S3 Frontier has been an interesting journey. Despite successful implementation with text content, adding controls to each section or incorporating background images has proven challenging. Various strategies have been attempted, including referencing solutions from this related discussion

Current Output:

https://i.stack.imgur.com/ibbYf.png https://i.stack.imgur.com/Cngtl.png

HTML Snippet:

Page1 of 2

Page2 of 2

CSS Styles:

.ui-content section {
    overflow: hidden;
    overflow-y: auto;
    text-align: center;

JavaScript Logic:

 /*global tau */
(function() {

var page = document.getElementById("taskListPage"),
    changer = document.getElementById("hsectionchanger"),
    sections = document.querySelectorAll("section"),
    elPageIndicator = document.getElementById("pageIndicator"),

 * pagebeforeshow event handler
 * Perform necessary tasks and set up event listeners
page.addEventListener( "pagebeforeshow", function() {
    // Initialize PageIndicator
    pageIndicator =  tau.widget.PageIndicator(elPageIndicator, { numberOfPages: sections.length });
    // Establish SectionChanger object
    sectionChanger = new tau.widget.SectionChanger(changer, {
        circular: true,
        orientation: "horizontal",
        useBouncingEffect: true

 * pagehide event handler
 * Clean up and remove event listeners
page.addEventListener( "pagehide", function() {
    // Release resources

 * sectionchange event handler
pageIndicatorHandler = function (e) {

changer.addEventListener("sectionchange", pageIndicatorHandler, false);


An error message is also present:

file:///lib/tau/wearable/js/tau.min.js (20) :[tau][10/24/2019, 1:28:31

Answer №1

The provided HTML code is missing. Based on the visuals, it appears that your application consists of two distinct sections. The SectionChanger widget, when set to "circular" mode, requires a minimum of 3 sections to function properly, resulting in an error being displayed in the console. To resolve this issue, please modify the circular option for the section changer to false:

page.addEventListener( "pagebeforeshow", function() {
    // Create PageIndicator
    pageIndicator = tau.widget.PageIndicator(elPageIndicator, { numberOfPages: sections.length });
    // Initialize SectionChanger object
    sectionChanger = new tau.widget.SectionChanger(changer, {
        circular: false,
        orientation: "horizontal",
        useBouncingEffect: true

This setting controls the mode for switching between sections. When set to true, users can navigate from the first section to the last and vice versa.

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