Can CSS be used to target HTML elements that come after another regardless of their position in the document?

Is there a way to style any <h1> element(s) that come after an <h2> element using only CSS?

I've searched through countless pages of CSS documentation, trying to figure out if it's possible to target specific elements that appear AFTER other elements, whether they are in the same branch or a different branch of the HTML markup.

It appears that existing selectors and pseudo-classes are limited to identifying elements that are:

  • Siblings
  • Children
  • Descendants

I am looking for relationships beyond these traditional ones:

  • Nieces
  • Nephews
  • Cousins
  • Third cousins twice removed
  • Granduncles
  • And so on...

These elements would logically appear AFTER a specific element in the HTML structure. However, I cannot predict:

  • The exact nature of the relationship
  • How many instances of the desired elements there will be.

Example 1 - Niece

Example 2 - Cousin

Example 3 - Granduncle

Answer №1

Is it feasible to pick any/all individual(s) that appear after an element by using only CSS?

Using solely CSS? Yes
Supported browsers? Limited to Safari and newer versions of Chrome

By utilizing the :has() pseudo-class, we can assess descendants without directly targeting them:

:root {
  --good-browser-support: skyblue;
  --emerging-browser-support: coral;

.example :has(h2)+ :is(h1, * h1) {
  /* Ancestor to sibling */
  color: var(--emerging-browser-support);

.example :has(h2)+* h1 {
  /* Ancestor to descendant */
  color: var(--emerging-browser-support);

.example h2+h1 {
  /* Subsequent siblings */
  color: var(--good-browser-support);

.example h2+* h1 {
  /* Nieces */
  color: var(--good-browser-support);
Example 1 - Niece
<div class="example">
Example 2 - Cousin
<div class="example">
Example 3 - Granduncle
<div class="example">
Example 4 - Uncle
<div class="example">
Example 5 - Non-target: Prior Siblings
<div class="example">
Example 6 - Subsequent Siblings
<div class="example">
Example 7 - Non-target: Prior Niece
<div class="example">
Example 5 - Non-target: Prior Siblings shared parent
<div class="example">

Simplified version:

:is(.example :has(h2)+ :is(h1, * h1), .example :has(h2)+* h1, .example h2 + h1, .example h2 + * h1) {
  color: magenta;
Example 1 - Niece
<div class="example">
Example 2 - Cousin
<div class="example">
Example 3 - Granduncle
<div class="example">
Example 4 - Uncle
<div class="example">
Example 5 - Non-target: Prior Siblings
<div class="example">
Example 6 - Subsequent Siblings
<div class="example">
Example 7 - Non-target: Prior Niece
<div class="example">
Example 5 - Non-target: Prior Siblings shared parent
<div class="example">

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