AngularJS: A Step-By-Step Guide to Adding Two Values

Currently, I am utilizing the MEAN stack for my application with AngularJS as the front-end. I have two tables in which I obtained total sum values like 124.10 in the "conversion rate" column. Now, I am looking to calculate the total sum of the "conversion rate" values by adding them together, such as 124.10 + 124.10 answer = 248.20... View my Plunker here.

  • With two tables present, my goal is to compute the total sum of the "conversion rate" values in both tables.

  • For instance: the first table has a conversion rate of 124.10, and the second table also has a conversion rate of 124.10. By adding these two values together in a third table, the answer should be 248.20.

  • I have provided a reference in the form of a Plunker here. Any assistance in solving this issue would be greatly appreciated.

My Controller:-

  .filter('sumOfValue', function () {
    return function (data, key) {
        if (angular.isUndefined(data) && angular.isUndefined(key))
            return 0;        
        var sum = 0;

            sum = sum + parseFloat(v[key]);
        return sum.toFixed(2);

My Data:-

$scope.sryarndebitnote = [
"_id": "57ac1b6d82e1c5940ac3c730",
"user": {
"_id": "57400c32bd07906c1308e2cf",
"displayName": "mani selvam"
"__v": 0,
"created": "2016-08-11T06:30:05.118Z",
"shipment_id": "57ac19b982e1c5940ac3c72f",
"conversion_rate": "62.04",
"invoice_value_fob_currency": "Rs",
"invoice_value_fob": "300.231",
"invoice_quantity_unit": "KG",
"invoice_quantity": "37",
"invoice_date": "2016-08-17",
"supplier_name": "Msd",
"buyer_name": "Mani selvam .R"

"_id": "57b5af69df0475401f644b2e",
"user": {
"_id": "57400c32bd07906c1308e2cf",
"displayName": "mani selvam"
"__v": 0,
"created": "2016-08-18T12:51:53.671Z",
"shipment_id": "57b5af5bdf0475401f644b2d",
"conversion_rate": "62.06",
"exclusive": true,
"invoice_value_fob": "400.343",
"invoice_quantity": "97",
"supplier_name": "Msd",
"buyer_name": "Mani selvam .R"

My Html:-

<tr ng-repeat="mani in resultValue=(sryarndebitnote)"> 
     <td >{{$index + 1}}</td>
       <td >{{(resultValue | sumOfValue:'conversion_rate' * 1) + (resultValue | sumOfValue:'conversion_rate' *1)}}</td>
            <td>B = {{resultValue | sumOfValue:'conversion_rate'}}</td>

  • The values in the third table should be calculated by adding A and B, resulting in a final total sum for C, where A + B equals 248.20. Therefore, the total sum for C value should be 496.40.

  • The total sum for C value should be 496.40.

Answer №1

Modify the following:

<td>{{(resultValue | sumOfValue:'conversion_rate' * 1) + (resultValue | sumOfValue:'conversion_rate' *1)}}</td>

To this:

<td>{{((resultValue | sumOfValue:'conversion_rate')*1) + ((resultValue | sumOfValue:'conversion_rate' )*1)}}</td>

The issue lies in the placement of parentheses.

Answer №2

{{(resultValue | sumOfValue:'conversion_rate' * 1) + (resultValue | sumOfValue:'conversion_rate' *1)}}

It is advised against using tricks like this to force integer summation, especially in sensitive applications.

That said; To ensure the result from the filter is treated as an integer, you can do:

   {{(resultValue | sumOfValue:'conversion_rate')*1 + (resultValue | sumOfValue:'conversion_rate')*1}}

However, a more robust approach should be considered in this scenario. Even using the parseInt function in your controller can achieve the desired outcome.

For more information:

How to parseInt in Angular.js

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