When a user hovers over the image, a button is revealed

I have a test page on my website:

If you'd like to check it out, feel free to visit:

I am trying to create a feature where when you hover over an image, a black button with text and links will appear. When you move your mouse away from the image, the button should disappear.

How can I achieve this effect? It needs to be compatible with Internet Explorer versions 6 and 7.

PS: To center the button over the image, I used a CSS vertical center solution.


In response to Dobiatowski's answer, here is my CSS solution using a menu technique. You can view the latest version here: link text

The mouseover functionality works well in IE6, as well as all modern browsers. However, I am encountering some display errors that need fixing.

Optimal performance in IE8/9 and all modern browsers

Display error in IE7 (Button appears behind the right image)

Display error in IE6 (Button appears behind the right image, border is broken)

Answer №1

There are two ways to achieve this effect, either through CSS or JavaScript.

If using JavaScript, you can do the following:

<img onmouseover="document.getElementById('div12').style.display = 'block';"
onmouseout="document.getElementById('div12').style.display = 'none';" src='img.jpg'/>

One issue to watch out for is when moving your mouse over the div, causing the image to trigger the onmouseout event.

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