Ways to conceal the TippyJS tooltip so it doesn't show up on video embeds

My website has tooltips enabled, but I am looking to hide the tooltip pop-ups that appear specifically over youtube video embeds. Upon inspecting the webpage, I found the code snippet below that is associated with youtube videos:

<div data-tippy-root id="tippy-8" style="pointer-events: none; z-index: 9999; visibility: visible; position: absolute; inset: auto auto 0px 0px; margin: 0px; transform: translate3d(712px, -688.8px, 0px);"> </div>
<div class="video">
 <iframe width="700" height="524" id="youtube_iframe" src="LINK HERE" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen style="height: 446.897px;" aria-describedby="tippy-23">

I attempted to address this issue by applying some "fixes," however, the changing numbers in the "#tippy-" IDs make it challenging to consistently target and turn off the tooltips for youtube videos. Using selectors like "[data-tippy-root]" or "[id^=tippy]" removed all tooltips from the page entirely which is not my desired outcome. My goal is to specifically target tooltips displayed over youtube video embeds. How can I achieve this?

#tippy-9, #tippy-8 {
    display: none !important;}
#data-tippy-root {
    display: none !important;
    visibility: none !important;}

Answer №1

When it comes to tooltips, the title attribute holds the key information while aria-describedby is purely for accessibility purposes. On Tumblr, only YouTube videos with a specific title attribute display the tooltip. By removing the title attribute and its value (in this case,

title="The Subway is Flooding
), the tooltip ceases to appear. Interestingly, Tippyjs conceals the title attribute from the dev tools' Element page, necessitating manual removal in the HTML source file.

To prevent a tooltip from appearing on an element, simply eliminate the title attribute from that particular element.

Additional Insight:

The Tumblr platform mentioned utilizes the following code snippet to deploy tooltips:

tippy("[title]", {
    content(reference) {
    const title = reference.getAttribute("title");
    return title;

This script sets up tooltips wherever a 'title' attribute is present. Therefore, defining each tooltip upfront is imperative as modifications post-creation are unfeasible. The dynamically generated "tippy-12" classes likely limit CSS control.

To exert greater influence over tooltips unlike Tumblr's approach, customizing them individually for distinct elements is advisable. This flexibility allows for better management of tooltips. Learn more about creating tooltips - Here

Answer №2

If you want all ID values to start with "tippy-" and end in a random number, you can achieve this using the following CSS selector:


The symbol ^ specifies that the selector should start with the specified value.

div {
  width: 50px;
  display: inline-block;
  height: 50px;
  border: 1px solid grey;

[id^="tippy-"] {
  background: lightblue;
<div id="tippy-1"></div>
<div id="tippy-2"></div>
<div id="tippy-3"></div>
<div id="tippy-456789"></div>
<div id="tippy-5"></div>
<div id="non-tippy"></div>

Answer №3

div[id^="tippy-"] {
  color: red
<div id="tippy-1"> para 1</div>
<div id="tippy-2"> para 2</div>
<div id="tippy-3">para 3</div>

Incorporate attribute selectors into your CSS to style elements with matching IDs based on a specific pattern.

Answer №4

Here is a handy selector to target all div elements with an id containing the text "tippy-"

 div[id*="tippy-"] {display: none !important;}

Note: When manipulating someone else's script (such as video embeds), it's best to use a flexible approach like this one (use an asterisk instead of a caret) to avoid future headaches.

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