Hiding divs toggle off when either all or only one is selected

In a certain page, there is a script that displays a div when a user selects an option. The script functions correctly, except for a scenario where if the user selects 'd' (which shows 'a', 'b', and 'c'), and then selects another option like 'a', it hides 'a' but keeps 'b' and 'c' visible. The issue arises when the user selects 'c' and then 'a', as the script should not hide 'a' in this case.

Below is the script code. The divs are identified by ids "one box", "two box", and "three box." To view the script fiddle, click here: https://jsfiddle.net/bcLuo0bg/8/. You can also check out a live version of the script here:

<script type="text/javascript">


Answer №1

One effective method is to first conceal everything before executing your desired action



Answer №2

To initially hide all the divs, I suggest placing $(".box").hide(); outside the onclick function in your code.

Answer №3

For optimal efficiency, include .box { display: none; } in your CSS stylesheet instead of relying on jQuery or JavaScript to hide elements. By placing this code in the CSS file, it loads sooner and allows for quicker rendering compared to waiting for DOM loading with jQuery or JavaScript.

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