What's the connection between CSS and frameset?

Currently, I have an .html document with XHTML 1.0 Frameset doctype and the following code:

  <frameset rows="20%, 80%" border="1">

Upon validating this code on W3C Validator, it gives me the error message:

there is no attribute "border" in frameset.

To resolve this issue, I attempted to create a CSS file with the following content:

frameset {
   border: 1px;

Unfortunately, this solution did not work as expected.

Please refrain from commenting or answering about the use of frames (I am aware of their limitations). Thank you!

Answer №1

For a concise solution, consider using the following code snippet:

<frameset ...>
   <frame frameborder="xx"/>

[refer to ]

Answer №2

Have you ever considered assigning a class to your frameset and then including that class in the stylesheet?

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