Combine values in CSS without any spacing

Currently, I am attempting to create a LESS mixin that can take a numerical value (degrees for rotation) and generate the appropriate CSS code to rotate an element. However, I am facing difficulties trying to handle both "270deg" and the integer "3" (which is equal to 270/90) for Internet Explorer. I have experimented with different methods including:

.rotate(@rotation: 0) {
    @deg: deg;
    -webkit-transform: rotate(@rotation deg); // this approach doesn't seem to work as expected
    -moz-transform: rotate((@rotation)deg); // utilizing parentheses
    -o-transform: rotate(@rotation+deg); // combining variable and keyword
    transform: rotate(@rotation+@deg); // concatenating two variables

    // The main issue arises when trying to use @rotation as just a number:
    filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=@rotation/90);

.someElement {

At the moment, I have resorted to adjusting the compiler script to avoid adding a space between variable and keyword concatenation. Ideally, I am hoping for a more efficient solution.

Answer №1

Another possible solution, albeit somewhat inelegant, is to employ escaped strings:

@degs: ~"@{rotation}deg"
@degs-ie: @rotation / 90;
transform: rotate(@degs);
filter: ~"DXImageBlahBlah(rotation=@{degs-ie})"

Keep in mind that you will require less.js v1.1.x to make this work.

Answer №2

An improved method involves utilizing the unit function (official reference):

unit(@rotation, deg)

This will look like this in your specific scenario:

transform: rotate(unit(@transition, deg));

Further Details:

unit(dimension, unit)

  • dimension: Represents a numerical value, with or without any unit specified
  • unit (optional): Indicates the desired unit to convert to; if not provided, the original unit will be removed

Answer №3

Big thanks to cloudhead for the assistance. When it comes to escaping in LESS PHP, I found a solution that worked for me:

  @degrees: e("@{rotate}deg");
  @degrees-ie: @rotate / 90;

  -webkit-transform: rotate(@degrees);
  -moz-transform: rotate(@degrees);
  transform: rotate(@degrees);
  filter: e("progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=@{degrees-ie})");

Answer №4

If you stumbled upon this outdated post regarding concatenation without spaces, there is a known bug or feature request in LESS #1375 (Opened in 2013, still unresolved as of January 2016) outlining the issue.

The Issue:

@CharTinySpace: \\2009;
content: "@CharTinySpace@CharTinySpace";


content: " \2009 \2009 ";

This results in additional space being added to the output.

An alternative could involve using an embedded JavaScript replacement:

@CharTinySpace: \\2009;
content: `"@{CharTinySpace}@{CharTinySpace}".replace(/ /g,"")`;


content: "\2009\2009";

Although not the most ideal solution, it was the only one that worked for me when I needed human-readable variables instead of unicode escape values.

Update: Thanks to seven-phases-max, the correct solution is much simpler.

@CharTinySpace: \\2009;
content: "@{CharTinySpace}@{CharTinySpace}";

I'm keeping this information here just in case the JavaScript method provides valuable insight for future individuals facing similar challenges.

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