Tips for toggling the visibility of a revolution slider based on current time using JavaScript

Currently, I am integrating the revolution slider into my WordPress website. My goal is to have the slider change according to the standard time of day. For instance, I want slider1 to display in the morning, slider2 at noon, slider3 in the evening, and slider4 at midnight.

To achieve this, I attempted to use JavaScript by assigning unique class names to each slider element. Below is an excerpt of the code:

var time = new Date().getHours(); 
if (time >= 8) {

if (time >= 12) {
document.getElementsByClassName('appBanner').style.visibility = 'hidden';

if (time >= 18) {

if (time >= 22) {

Answer №1

When using document.getElementsByClassName()
, it is important to note that it returns a collection of elements rather than individual elements themselves. In order to style the elements, you will need to loop through the collection and set the style of each one individually if they are not unique. Alternatively, if they are unique, you can simply select the first element from the collection using [0]. However, I would recommend giving each element a unique ID and using document.getElementById() to directly target the specific element you want to style.

Answer №2

After implementing your code on a test html page, I can confirm that it is functional. The only adjustment I made was utilizing IDs instead of classes and 'display' in place of 'visibility'. Both options work effectively. Assuming you intend to place this in the footer of the webpage, here is the revised code.

<!doctype html>



    <div id="morningslide">Hello this is Morning</div>
    <div id="noonslide">Hello this is Noon</div>
    <div id="eveningslide">Hello this is Evening</div>
    <div id="midnightslide">Hello this is Midnight</div>

    var time = new Date().getHours();

    if (time > 8 && time < 11) {
    else if (time >= 12 && time <= 18) {
    else if (time > 18 && time <= 22) {
    else if (time > 22) {


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