Setting up an image DIV for a dynamic overlay effect

Here is a JSFiddle that works correctly with fixed height and width: The animation activates correctly when hovered over.

I attempted to adapt the above example to be responsive without fixed dimensions. However, I'm experiencing issues with the animation display in this second fiddle: When hovered over, the animation does not show up as expected.

Below is the HTML code:

<div class="pageImgHdrSub percPadTop banner">
     <a href="google_events.aspx" title=""><img src="" alt="" /></a>
    <p class="companyInfo">View Events Calendar</p>
    <div class="cornerTL"></div>
    <div class="cornerTR"></div>
    <div class="cornerBL"></div>
    <div class="cornerBR"></div>

I need assistance in modifying the second fiddle to ensure that the animation displays correctly when hovered over.

Answer №1

Modified your JSFiddle

Hoping this meets your requirements?

Essentially made changes in 3 places:

.pageImgHdrSub -> width: auto;

.banner div{ 

Also adjusted line 16 of the JavaScript code:



To achieve a circular animation effect, ensure width and height are set to the same value (in the JavaScript code). The border radius should be half of the width/height for a perfect circle.

Answer №2

Previously, the image was in a square shape but now it has transformed into a rectangular form. Due to this change, achieving a perfect rounded circle is not possible. However, you can still adjust the width and height parameters in the animate function to attain satisfactory results:

    width: 360,
    height: 160

Access the Updated JsFiddle here.

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