What steps can I take to ensure that the text content stays within the borders and does not overlap with the photo?

click here for the image description Html

 <p><img src="index-foto1.jpg" align="left" width=65% style="border-radius: 10px;" margin-right: 2px>
      <div class="tant"><h3>More detailed information about Vyshny Volochok can be found at the following links:</h3></div></p>


background-color: d18924;

How can I prevent the borders from extending beyond the photo?

The screenshot demonstrates my issue. I attempted using margins, thinking it would help. I also tried to confine the div to the elements.

Answer №1

It appears that when you specify align: left, you may actually intend to use float: left instead. If that's the case, you can implement the following CSS:

img {
  border-radius: 10px; 
  float: left; 
  margin-right: 10px;
.tant {
  background-color: pink; 
  border: 1px solid; 
  display: flow-root;
<p><img src="//unsplash.it/800/800" width=65% >
  <div class="tant">
  <h3>More detailed information about Vyshny Volochyok can be found at the following links:</h3>

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