My images seem to lose control and go completely wild when I try to turn them into hyperlinks

Seeking advice on why my social icons are behaving strangely. This is a new issue for me and I suspect that some other CSS is causing the problem, but I can't seem to locate it.

I want to ensure that the formatting of these images remains consistent when they are links.

I'm sure there is a simple solution that I am overlooking, and I appreciate your help in addressing this.

<div id = "socialcontainer">
    <A HREF = ""><IMG class = "socials" SRC = "icons/FB.png"></IMG></A>
    ><IMG class = "socials" SRC = "icons/insta.png">
    <IMG class = "socials" SRC = "icons/SC.png">
    <IMG class = "socials" SRC = "icons/YT.png">
    <IMG class = "socials" SRC = "icons/BIT.png">
  </div><!--socialcontainer -->

  //border-style: solid;
  //border-color: red;
  z-index: 1;
  border-style: solid;
  border-color: red;

  color: inherit; /* blue colors for links too */
  text-decoration: inherit; /* no underline */

/*a img{


a:not(img):hover {
  color: #7d0505;

Answer №1

A quick solution is to apply a float property to a tag, allowing all immediate descendants to inherit the same styles.

Answer №2

<a> elements are typically set to display: inline; as a default styling. To modify the display property of <a> tags containing icons, you can change it to display: inline-block;

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