Is it best to stick with a static page size, or

While I typically design my webpages dynamically by determining the screen size and creating divs accordingly, I'm curious about the advantages of using a 'static' sizing approach (such as using pixels). Any insights on this contrasting method?

Answer №1

One advantage of having control over your design is the ability to customize it according to your preferences. Additionally, by dynamically generating your page content, you are assuming that users have javascript enabled, which may not always be the case. This raises concerns about what non-JS users will see without a fallback default.

In my opinion, it would be better to make broad adjustments based on screen/window sizes within a specific range. This approach eliminates the need to constantly modify the DOM every time a user changes their viewport size and provides more control over how content is displayed.

Just sharing my thoughts...

Answer №2

When it comes to sending stylesheets to the browser, I rely on the window size and device type. However, my websites are designed with fixed widths which can make it challenging to ensure they look good across all screen resolutions. Personally, I prefer managing 2 or 3 distinct "sizes" as it allows me to have better control over the overall design.

Answer №3

When it comes to waiting for JavaScript execution, the delay can hinder users from immediately reading your content, which may not always be ideal.

There are instances where an art designer creates layout designs and incorporates essential codes to ensure functionality. These designers often use static image sizes for decorative purposes.

Fetching the DOM can sometimes be sluggish and costly. For pages where quick access to clear content is prioritized, excessive resizing may not be necessary.

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