Enhance the spacing between the UL-LI navigation menu and the currently selected item

I'm struggling with adjusting the spacing between items in my navigation menu, specifically the li elements that are currently too close together. I've attempted to increase the margin-left within the .main_menu li CSS rule, but it doesn't seem to be working. Additionally, I'm wondering how to apply a selected style to a menu item when it is clicked. Essentially, I want it to have properties similar to when hovering over an item (black background and blue text).

Check out this fiddle for reference: Fiddle Link

Answer №1

To make the change, replace display:inline with display:inline-block and insert margin-left within the .main_menu li class. Give this a try:

.main_menu li {


Answer №2

Apply margin-left to the a element instead of the li element: View Demo

Answer №3

check out this Fancy Fiddle

try using display:inline-block instead of display:inline.

.my_list li
    margin-left: 2px;

Inline elements don't have a 'box' layout, so margins may not apply. But block elements (or inline-block elements) do.

Answer №4

To make the margin property work, simply change your display type to inline-block.

.nav_menu ul {

Check out this link for more information!

Answer №5

To enhance the a element, consider adding some style adjustments. It may also be necessary to ensure proper alignment.

/* Adjust margins to prevent buttons from overlapping */
margin-left: 10px;
margin-top: 2px; /* Optionally for left alignment only */
/* Alignment properties */
width: 18%;
float: left

Check out this link for reference

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