Is it possible to toggle between hide and show functions using Jquery?

I have a question about two jquery functions that I've been struggling with.

  function init() { 
  $(".alphaleft").hover(function (g) { 
  function (g) { 

  function init() { 
  $(".alpharight").hover(function (h) { 
  function (h) { 

The issue is that only one function shows up at a time. If I comment out one, then the other works fine and vice versa. I can't figure out what's causing this inconsistency. Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated, as I've been trying to solve this for an hour now and it's driving me crazy!

edit: here is my jsFiddle link for reference!

Answer №1

Utilize anonymous functions when passing them to the ready function.

   $(".alphaleft").hover(function (g) { 
   function (g) { 

$(document).ready(function () { 
  $(".alpharight").hover(function (h) { 
  function (h) { 

To avoid conflicts caused by naming functions the same, it is important to use unique names for each function declaration. By using anonymous functions within a closure, you can prevent one function from overriding another function with the same name at the global scope.

You can see this issue in action on this example fiddle. Rearranging your code also highlights the problem:

//Init function created  
function init() { 
  $(".alphaleft").hover(function (g) { 
  function (g) { 

//Init function overridden
function init() { 
  $(".alpharight").hover(function (h) { 
  function (h) { 

//Init function called 2x after being overridden

Answer №2

Avoid having duplicate ready functions and unnecessary calls to a separate init function:

$(document).ready(function() { 
  $(".alphaleft").hover(function () { 
  }, function () { 

  $(".alpharight").hover(function () { 
  }, function () { 

Answer №3

The reason for the issue is that you're redeclaring the init function. To resolve this, consolidate it into a single function as shown below:

function init() { 
    $(".alphaleft").hover(function (g) { 
    function (g) { 
    $(".alpharight").hover(function (h) { 
    function (h) { 

For a demonstration, check out this functioning example:

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