What is the reasoning behind singling out this one line in the bootstrap css?

Incorporated within the starter template for Bootstrap CSS is the following inline snippet:

body {
    padding-top: 60px; /* 60px to make the container go all the way to the bottom of the topbar */

What are some practical considerations for including this style directly in the HTML code, instead of keeping it with the rest of the CSS rules in an external stylesheet?

Answer №1

The decision to place the inline style between bootstrap.css and bootstrap-responsive.css was intentional. However, moving it to main.css (after bootstrap-responsive.css) will result in showing padding above the black menu bar when adjusting to a smaller window, especially on IE 10 and Chrome 22.

In an ideal scenario, the style should have been included in bootstrap.css, but for some unknown reason, it wasn't.

An alternative solution could involve placing the style in a separate CSS file, but this would mean downloading an additional small file.

If main.css is loaded between the two bootstrap*.css files, it may complicate attempts to override specific settings.

Therefore, it seems like a compromise had to be made in this case.

Answer №2

There are a few potential reasons for this scenario:

  • Perhaps the intention was for this rule to take precedence over any declarations in the external stylesheet, excluding !important rules. Inline <style> elements are typically considered more specific.
  • It is also possible that the goal was to make this rule unique to this particular page, rather than applying it globally across the entire website. It's plausible that the 60px topbar only exists on this specific page.

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