How can I ensure the height of the Bootstrap vertical navigation menu appears consistent on every page

I'm struggling to get the vertical navigation menu to reach all the way down to the footer of the page. I've tried adjusting it, but the closest I came was setting a specific height for the .navbar, which isn't ideal because I want it to be responsive.

.navbar {
    border: 0px;
    text-align: center;
    border-radius: 0px;
    background-color: #F2E9E1;


I believe the issue lies within the navbar class.

Check out the complete code here:

Answer №1

Could you clarify your request for the navigation to extend down to the footer? One solution could be setting the height of the nav element to 100% of the page height, ensuring it fills the entire page.

ul.nav {

Answer №2

After reviewing your code snippet, I noticed that you have mixed up navs and navbars in Bootstrap. These are actually two separate components, so it might be worth revisiting the documentation at

In addition, consider checking out for guidance on positioning your navigation. The side navigation feature on the Bootstrap site is a great example of how this can be implemented effectively.

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