Show a specific portion of an extremely large .svg image file using Angular.js directive with the help of javascript or css

Currently, I am facing a challenge with a large map image (3000x8000px) in .png format that I have converted to .svg for data visualization purposes. I am struggling to find a way to display a specific small section of this map.svg file on an HTML page using CSS or JavaScript. For example, I would like to load the bottom right portion of the .svg image upon page load. Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

1) A)I converted a .png file to .svg using the software Inkscape - B) The feImage filter in SVG allows you to retrieve images from external sources 2) To edit the .svg file, I utilized the span.svg jQuery library - 3) When selecting the portion of the image to display:

var g = Snap(400,576); //specify desired dimensions
   viewBox: [690, 5800, 1000, 500] //coordinates of top-left corner for 'cropping'

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