Incorporate text inside the border of a Material UI chip

I'm looking to replicate this design using a pre-built Chip component from MaterialUI

While the solution might involve Some Text using html and css, it still may not achieve an identical result. I've come across examples where people achieved similar results with MaterialUI by using a TextField with a Chip as an adornment, but it's not quite the same.

Answer №1

If you're interested in utilizing the <Chip> component, one approach is to leverage &::before for styling within the Chip.

For example:

const Chip = styled(MuiChip)(({ chipTitle }) => ({
  "&::before": {
    content: `"${chipTitle}"`,
    position: "absolute",
    top: "-8px",
    left: "16px",
    backgroundColor: "#fff",
    padding: "0 8px"

To use it:

  label="Salary Proposal - 500k$"

Explore this CodeSandbox. Personal styling may vary slightly, so adjust as needed.

For Typescript users:
Begin by extending the default ChipProps type.

import {styled, Chip as MuiChip, ChipProps as MuiChipProps} from '@mui/material'

interface ChipProps extends MuiChipProps {
    chipTitle: string

Then update the styled() function like so:

const Chip = styled(MuiChip)<ChipProps>(({ chipTitle }) => ({
  "&::before": {
    content: `"${chipTitle}"`,
    position: "absolute",
    top: "-8px",
    left: "16px",
    backgroundColor: "#fff",
    padding: "0 8px"

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