The page fades in as soon as it is loaded thanks to the "

I am interested in creating a unique effect where different classes fade in on page load.

Check out this webpage for reference.

The linked page showcases squares in various shades of grey and color, with the desire to have them fade in at different intervals.

While there are articles available on fading in ID tags, I haven't found any specifically on fading in Class tags. Using IDs would require targeting each square individually as IDs can only affect one element.

I am aiming to apply effects to multiple squares simultaneously.

Answer №1

Consider using data attributes such as data-start-color="#CCCCCC", data-end-color, data-over-time="100", data-out-time.

You can create a single function that works for all squares. Here's an example (please note, I haven't tested this on your specific page):

  function() {
    $(this).stop().animate({ backgroundColor: $(this).data('end-color') }, $(this).data('over-time'));
  function() {
    $(this).stop().animate({ backgroundColor: $(this).data('start-color') }, $(this).data('out-time'));

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